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The adventure continues! This week, adventure has a new name, and it's Humble Bundle! Name your price for Secret Files: Tunguska, Stacking, Syberia, and The Novelist + Digital Extras! If you pay more than the average price, you'll also get The Night of the Rabbit Premium Edition, Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse, and Always Sometimes Monsters. If you pay $8 or more, you'll receive all of the above plus The Raven - Legacy of a Master Thief Digital Deluxe Edition and Blackwell Epiphany.
Des bons jeux d'aventures, avec du P&C !
4 clefs en rab :
- Syberia
- The Novelist
- Always Sometimes Monsters
- Stacking
Le retour de Paul Cuisset, après la faillite de Vector Cell.
Du lourd et bon à venir ?
Contrairement aux critiques, j'ai beaucoup aimé Amy et le remake de Flashback...
Un petit jeu d'aventure en Flash, type enquête policière.
Via : http://www.lidd.fr/lidd/419-raven-crime-prenez-vous-pour-david-caruso